IIAR Webinars

IIAR is dedicated to the education and the advancement of our members. As part of your member benefits, we are pleased to provide members with the opportunity to learn from industry experts through the Members-only Webinar Series. These monthly educational webinars are an opportunity for members to share their wisdom and a convenient way to immediately boost business know-how.  These webinars are developed specifically with IIAR members in mind. If you are interested in presenting an IIAR webinar or have an idea for a webinar topic, please contact us at [email protected].

Upcoming IIAR Member Webinars 

Management of Change for Ammonia Refrigeration Systems
September 4, 2024


Register for the Academy of Natural Refrigerants Today!

With new courses added quarterly, this certification program has proven to be beneficial to all who are enrolled.

Date Recorded    Webinar Title   Presenter 
 12/18/2019  Codes Regulating Ammonia Refrigeration: Overview & Updates  Jeff Shapiro
 12/17/2019  Reconsidering Changes to the Risk Management Program (RMP)  Lowell Randel
 11/13/2019  Permit to Work: Electrical Safety & Arc Flash Protection  Tony Lundell
 10/24/2019  Mantenimiento en Instalaciones Frigoríficas con Amoníaco: ANSI/IIAR 6-2019  Edgardo Monutti
 9/18/2019  Permit to Work:  Lockout/Tagout Procedures  Tony Lundell
 8/22/2019  Prácticas de Seguridad en Sistemas de Refrigeración por Amoniaco  Juan Zeledón
 8/7/2019  Continuous vs. Batch Freezing Optimizing In-Rack Freezing Systems Within Your Cold Storage Facility  Dan Tippmann
 7/17/2019  Permit to Work: Hot Work Permits  Tony Lundell
 6/19/2019  The Nitty-Gritty of Visual Inspection  Jim Kovarik 
 6/13/2019 Introducción a la norma ANSI _ IIAR 2_ Diseño seguro de sistemas de refrigeración por amoniaco Yesenia Rector
 5/22/2019  Permit to Work: Ground Disturbance  Tony Lundell 
 4/18/2019  Análisis de riesgos y buenas prácticas de ingeniería para los sistemas de refrigeración por amoníaco Yesenia Rector 
 3/27/2019  Permit-to-Work: Work at Height
Tony Lundell 
 2/21/2019  Caso de estudio práctico - Cómo aplicar la norma IIAR 2-2014 para el diseño seguro de los sistemas de refrigeración por amoníaco
Diego Quesada 
 2/20/2019  Compliance Awareness for Owners & Executives (developed and presented by the IIAR Safety Committee) David Hirsch
 1/23/2019  Permit to work: Confined Space Entry
Tony Lundell

Date Recorded    Webinar Title   Presenter 
 12/13/2018  Elementos de protección personal a considerar durante respuestas a emergencias con amoniaco anhidro
Rodrigo Mena
 12/12/2018  IIAR Suite of Standards Update 
Tony Lundell
 10/25/2018 Respuesta a emergencias de  amoníaco en sistemas de  refrigeración industrial Rodrigo Mena
 9/26/2018 Permit to Work: Line Opening Procedures

This session examines how the line opening procedure provides justification for employing safety measures; identifies and summarizes the relevant “before,” “during,” and “after” process steps; and looks at requirements for inspection visits during work and conducting a compliant permit handover.

Tony Lundell
  8/20/2018 Amoníaco como refrigerante y Seguridad en la sala de máquinas
David Solas
 7/17/2018 Differences Between PSM & RMP Requirements for Ammonia Refrigeration Systems

OSHA’s PSM guidelines and EPA’s RMP rule were developed as counterparts in administering a Congressional mandate for management of hazards associated with processes using highly hazardous chemicals. This session explains the differences between the two programs in terms of legal authority, what is required, what is not required, and also the similarities between the two.

Tony Lundell 

Integridad Mecánica en los sistemas de refrigeración por amoniaco: La Integración de Eficiencia con Seguridad  

Yesenia Rector
 6/20/2018 IIAR Member Webinar: Coil Impaction and Air Quality

Clean refrigeration equipment is more than just a pathway to energy savings, it’s also the first line of defense against contamination. Join IIAR as we shed light on what is quickly becoming an industry-wide focal point: the cooling system's overlooked impact on biohazard control.

Brian Hindt 
 5/16/2018 Compliance Audits & Trade Secrets for Ammonia Refrigeration Systems
Tony Lundell
 4/18/2018 Ventilation Design for Compressor and Vessel Rooms
Join IIAR as we examine the functional requirements for emergency ventilation, detection, and alarm systems for both ammonia machinery rooms and secondary rooms containing ammonia vessels. This webinar also describes some of the important mechanical integrity checks for components of the monitoring and emergency ventilation systems.
Mark Worms
 1/17/2018 Emergency Planning and Response for Ammonia Refrigeration Systems 
OSHA’s Process Safety Management (PSM) requirements and EPA's Risk Management Plan (RMP) mandate that employers establish and implement an emergency action plan for the entire plant in accordance with the provisions of OSHA rules [29 CFR 1910.38(a)]. Emergency Planning and Response (EP&R) is a critical element for emergency pre-planning and training to make personnel aware of, and able to execute, proper actions in the case of an unplanned incident. This webinar will examine the importance of the EP&R element and the differences between an Emergency Action Plan (EAP) and an Emergency Response Plan (ERP).

Tony Lundell
 12/20/2017 Safe Oil Draining and Proper PPE Gordon Brandt and Brad Bergman 
 12/6/2017 Everything you Wanted to Know About Apprenticeships but Were Afraid to Ask
 11/15/2017  Incident Investigations for Ammonia Refrigeration Systems 
OSHA’s Process Safety Management (PSM) and EPA's Hazard Prevention Element of the Risk Management Plan (RMP) require employers to
investigate each incident which resulted in, or could reasonably have resulted in, a catastrophic release of a highly hazardous chemical in the
workplace. Incident Investigation is a critical element for identifying causes of incidents and implementing steps to prevent similar events from
occurring. This webinar will examine the importance of the incident investigation element as a process, requirements for an investigation team
to thoroughly investigate and analyze an incident, investigation report requirements, and record keeping requirements.
Tony Lundell
 10/11/2017 What's Coming in 2018 Codes: An Update 
The 2018 editions of the International, Uniform, and NFPA Model Codes will soon be released. Join us for this MEMBER WEBINAR where IIAR Code
Consultant Jeff Shapiro will offer a brief review of what happened in the 2015 editions and show you what’s coming in the 2018 codes that affect
ammonia refrigeration systems. Our speaker will also offer advice on dealing with the enforcement issues that have been affecting IIAR members
doing business in California and other states where difficulties during the last code development cycle resulted in uneven application of the 2015
Uniform Mechanical Code.
Jeffrey Shapiro
9/20/2017  Pre-Startup Safety Reviews for Ammonia Refrigeration Systems 
OSHA’s Process Safety Management (PSM) and EPA's Hazard Prevention Element of the Risk Management Plan (RMP) require employers to perform
a Pre-Startup Safety Review (PSSR) for new facilities and modified facilities when the modification to their closed-circuit ammonia refrigeration system(s)
is significant enough to require a change in Process Safety Information (PSI). The PSSR is intended to provide quality assurance prior to the introduction
of ammonia refrigerant to the new or modified process. The PSSR regulates any number of requirements, including that construction and equipment are in
accordance with design specifications; that a Process Hazard Analysis (PHA) has been performed and its recommendations are resolved; that procedures
for safety, operation, maintenance, and emergencies are in place; that training of affected employees has been performed, and that it has been verified
SAFE to start the new or modified system. Pre-Startup Safety Review is a critical element that prevents easily overlooked safety and nuisance issues from
occurring in a new or modified system. This webinar will examine the importance of the PSSR element and review what it takes to get an accurate
assessment of your new or modified process prior to startup.
Tony Lundell
8/30/2017 Supporting Educational Efforts and Research in Natural Refrigeration

For over two decades, IIAR’s Ammonia Refrigeration Foundation has been an industry leader in supporting research and education focused on the safe, reliable, and efficient use of ammonia and other natural refrigerants. In addition, NRF promotes the development of industry talent through scholarships, academic alliances and outreach, partnering with other natural refrigeration and cold chain organizations, as well as national and international refrigeration programs. Join us on August 30 as we examine the latest NRF-supported research projects and review the educational initiatives that are enhancing the status of industrial refrigeration professionals worldwide and promoting the advantages of sustainable natural refrigeration.

Wayne Wehber,
Lois O'Conner,
Jeremy Klysen
James Young
7/19/2017  Hot Works permits for Ammonia Refrigeration Systems 
OSHA's Process Safety Management guidelines and the Hazard Prevention Element of EPA's Risk Management Plan require employers to issue a permit for hot work operations conducted on or near a covered process. This webinar will examine the importance of the hot work permitting process and review the regulatory requirements and application criteria for use, key risks involved, and additional guidance on safely carrying out hot work. It will also cover pre-permit measures that must be taken; precautions required during the hot work; issuer and performing authority acceptance verifications; post-permit measures; issuer closure and performing authority acknowledgement; hot work permit-to-work process steps; and considerations for inspection visits of the work area and permit handover.
Tony Lundell
4/19/2017  Mechanical Integrity of Evaporative Condensers 
Out of sight, out of mind.” It’s easy to put evaporative condensers in this category, even though they perform one of the most important functions in your ammonia refrigeration system – getting rid of the heat absorbed during the refrigeration cycle and moving it to a place where it isn’t objectionable. The environment in which evaporative condensers operate is a tough one.  They must endure the extremes of winter as well as the heat and humidity of summer.  Making sure the evaporative condenser is running smoothly and maintained properly will ensure peak and efficient operation 24/7 for an

optimal-performing refrigeration system.

Gerry Anderson
3/25/2017  Management of Change for Ammonia Refrigeration Systems 
OSHA’s Process Safety Management (PSM) and EPA's Hazard Prevention Element of the Risk Management Plan (RMP) require employers to perform a Management of Change (MOC) assessment for changes made to their closed-circuit ammonia refrigeration system(s). This requirement is intended to ensure that no new hazards are created by the change and that the system continues to work as intended in terms of safe operation and ability to remain safe during maintenance service. Where a change is not a replacement in kind, an MOC must be performed. The MOC is a critical PSM/RMP element that can prevent unsafe or nuisance issues from occurring as a result of a major change. However, because change (or even plans for change) can sometimes be met with confusion and apprehension, an MOC may be overlooked or delayed. This webinar will examine the importance of the MOC element and review what it takes to get an accurate assessment of your process and appropriately manage the change(s) being implemented.

Tony Lundell
3/15/2017  Mechanical Integrity of Ammonia Refrigeration Systems  

Maintaining the Mechanical Integrity of an Ammonia Refrigeration System is important to ensure the critical process, involving individual equipment and control systems working together, is continuously maintained as a first line of defense that harmonizes with its operation, as it was specifically designed. This webinar will review the Process Safety Management (PSM) Mechanical Integrity (MI) element requirements that apply to regulated
industrial ammonia refrigeration equipment and systems. It will discuss the general MI requirements pertaining to inspections, tests, and maintenance procedures, training of maintenance personnel, criteria for acceptable test results, documentation of test and inspection results, documentation of manufacturer recommendations and historical learnings that follow recognized and generally accepted good engineering practices (RAGAGEP), and Quality Assurance to ensure continued integrity of the refrigeration equipment and system. Lastly, it will cover how the Mechanical Integrity element relates to the other PSM elements.

Tony Lundell
2/15/2017 Deconstructing Assumptions About Ammonia Refrigeration Piping
This webinar examines time honored traditions such as ‘new is better than old’, and ‘a pipe is a pipe is a pipe’. As technology and available resources have evolved over the years, experience and data from the field help drive conversations that challenge traditional thinking to ensure good decision-making related to the management of ammonia refrigeration pipe systems.  We will address important fundamentals such as the
change in how pipe is manufactured today versus 20 years ago and how it may impact your current standards, how to use pipe inspection to better manage your maintenance dollars, and the benefits and pitfalls of the tools available today.

1/25/2017 Operating Procedures for Ammonia Refrigeration Systems
This webinar will discuss Operating Procedures as it applies to PSM & RMP requirements for regulated closed-circuit ammonia refrigeration systems that provide clear instructions for safely conducting activities involved in a covered process. It will cover the operating procedure requirements that must address the steps for each operating phase, a refrigeration system's operating limits, safety & health considerations, as well as, touch base on safe work practices to provide for control of hazards during working activities.

Tony Lundell
12/15/2016 Code Compliance Alternatives: How to Present a Request for Approval of New or Creative Code Compliance Solutions  
It is not uncommon for new or existing facilities with ammonia refrigeration systems to have difficulty complying with prescriptive code provisions.  Unique aspects of individual buildings and systems are often at odds with specific code requirements, and a jurisdiction’s adopted codes and standards may lag behind current editions that recognize new technologies or new approaches to code compliance.  Examples of the latter include allowances for low-probability pumps outside of machinery rooms and allowances to locate machinery rooms where they do not have a direct exit to the outdoors, both of which have recently been incorporated into model codes and standards.  Codes and standards regulating the ammonia refrigeration industry all include provisions that permit local enforcement authorities to permit alternative approaches to code compliance.  This Webinar will inform participants about these provisions and provide guidance their use, including tips on how to prepare and present a request to local authorities.

 Jeff Shapiro
Process Hazard Analysis (PHA) for Ammonia Refrigeration Systems
This webinar will discuss Process Hazard Analysis (PHA) requirements for regulated ammonia closed-circuit refrigeration systems, which is a thorough, orderly, systematic approach for identifying, evaluating and controlling the hazards of using anhydrous ammonia as the refrigerant. It will provide the different PHA methodologies that can be selected which must be appropriate to the complexity of the process.
It will clarify the minimum difference between a "Hazard Review" for smaller General Duty Clause regulated systems (systems with less than 10k lbs.) and PSM & RMP regulated systems. It will cover the pre-compilation written information required before proceeding with a PHA, as well as, how the PHA element relates to the other PSM elements.

Tony Lundell
 9/21/2016 Process Safety Information for Ammonia Refrigeration Systems
This webinar will discuss the required compilation of written "process safety information" for ammonia refrigeration systems which pertains to the hazards of the refrigerant (chemical) used, the technology of the process, and the equipment in the process. It will clarify the difference between "refrigeration system documentation" for smaller (less than 10K lbs.) General Duty Clause regulated systems and "process safety information" for larger (10K lbs. or more) PSM & RMP regulated systems. It will cover how larger ammonia refrigeration systems relate to PSM & RMP requirements and how the PSM "Process Safety Information" element relates to the other PSM elements.
Tony Lundell
Mechanical Integrity of Pumps
Join Joe Fazzari, Vice President of Colmac Coil Manufacturing, Inc. and IIAR Member, as he discusses the major issues that can impact the mechanical integrity of pumps in industrial refrigeration systems.  This presentation will cover a wide array of mechanical issues including leaks in seals or piping, corrosion of pump housing, ice build up and much more.  This webinar builds on Mr. Fazzari’s extensive field experience and is a useful tool in any safety and preventative maintenance program.
 Joe Fazzari
7/13/2016 Employee Participation and Training for Ammonia Refrigeration Systems
This webinar will instruct on how to engage employees in the development and application of a facility's ammonia refrigeration process safety management program. It will also cover initial and refresher training of facility employees in order to sustain the safe and efficient operation and maintenance of ammonia refrigeration systems, equipment, related process safety management elements, and safe work practices.  
Tony Lundell
6/22/2016 Glycol and Industrial Refrigeration  
Join an educational webinar focusing on glycol based heat transfer fluids. We will compare and contrast the function and value of multiple chemical inhibitions in glycol formulations. Our discussion will cover the various glycol formulations and appropriate product application with a focus on refrigeration. We will also discuss proper HVAC&R maintenance practices, glycol analysis testing, and how proper maintenance and testing can potentially prolong glycol life. There will be time at the end of the discussion for case studies and to ask questions about glycol system trouble-shooting.
 Alfonso Sira
6/8/2016 Changes to Codes and Standards Affecting the Ammonia Refrigeration Industry 
IIAR has been very active in advocating improvements in codes and standards that affect ammonia refrigeration.  Recent updates to IIAR 2, the International Fire Code, International Mechanical Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, NFPA 1 Fire Code and the National Electrical Code have greatly improved consistency among regulations and paved the way for IIAR to become the leading standards development organization for the ammonia refrigeration industry.  This presentation will inform participants about many significant changes that have recently taken place in codes and standards that affect the design and installation of ammonia refrigeration systems.
Jeffrey Shapiro
5/25/2016  Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Updates tot the Risk Management Program (RMP) 
Join IIAR for a special presentation by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as they outline their new and ongoing National Enforcement Initiatives for fiscal years 2017-2019 and how they will affect the ammonia refrigeration industry.  
Lowell Randel
4/27/2016 Qualifying Ammonia Contractors 
This Webinar will cover the owner's and the contract employer's responsibilities with regard to contracted employees who are hired to work on or adjacent to ammonia refrigeration systems. It will cover steps, specific procedures, and samples for developing a Contractor Program that include selection, awareness, responsibilities, periodic evaluations, and a contractor injury and illness log. Join Tony Lundell, Director of Standards and Safety at IIAR, as he presents the sources and effects of noncondensable gases in an ammonia refrigeration system, along with steps to prevent and  remove the contamination.
Tony Lundell
 2/17/2016 Evaporator Rating Methods
Join John Kollasch as he guides you through a webinar presentation on two different methods for rating evaporator performance along with the resulting impact on room temperature and cost. as he guides you through a webinar presentation on two different methods for rating evaporator performance along with the resulting impact on room temperature and cost.
 John Kollasch

Noncondensable Gases in Ammonia Refrigeration Systems 

Tony Lundell
The Emergence of CO2 Refrigeration
This presentation is designed to help you understand CO2 refrigeration as it pertains to industrial and commercial applications. Join Andre Patenaude as he guides you through a presentation on the emergence of CO2 as a refrigerant in industrial and commercial applications to what the future holds for its use as an environmentally friendly and sustainable refrigerant.  Topics to include: R744 (CO2) differences versus ammonia and HFCs; pressure enthalpy differences; Sub-critical versus Transcritical Systems; basic system comparisons; secondary systems, (CO2  Volatile Brine); Cascade System; Single Stage Transcritical System; Two Stage or Booster Transcritical System; and Maintenance and Safety Considerations.
Andre Patenaude

Pressure Vessel Replacement Considerations 
This presentation is designed to help you understand the information you should consider after you have confirmed that it is time to replace a pressure vessel on your closed-circuit ammonia refrigeration system. Join Tony Lundell as he guides you through a 12 step question and answer webinar and explains the most important questions you should ask when considering pressure vessel replacement.  These 12 questions and answers are a good start when choosing your pressure vessel replacement and will help you communicate better with the manufacturer to ensure the most integrity for the least cost in the long run.

Tony Lundell
9/15/2015  Water Contamination in Ammonia Refrigeration Systems 
Water contamination of the ammonia refrigerant is common in industrial refrigeration systems.  Contamination can occur over a long period of time and the adverse effects can go unnoticed. Join Tony Lundell, Director of Standards and Safety at IIAR, as he presents the sources and effects of water contamination on an ammonia refrigeration system, along with steps to detect, measure and remove the contamination.
Tony Lundell

Executive Order 13650: Outlook for Regulatory Change 
In August 2013, President Obama signed Executive Order 13650 entitled: Improving Chemical Facility Safety and Security. In the two years since the signing of the order, agencies including the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have been working to address the goals established in the order, including potential changes to major regulatory programs including Process Safety Management (PSM), the Risk Management Program (RMP) and the Chemical Facilities Anti-Terrorism Standards (CFATS) program.

 Tony Lundell 
 7/15/2015 Hydraulic Shock Prevention
Hydraulic shock in refrigeration systems has the potential to cause catastrophic failure in piping, valves and other equipment. Join Tony Lundell, Director of Standards and Safety at IIAR, as he presents the common disturbances of refrigerant flow that can cause hydraulic shock in ammonia refrigeration systems.  He will discuss the cause and effect of different variations of hydraulic
shock and describe some of the  best methods of prevention.
Tony Lundell
6/24/2015 Joe Fazzari
9/15/2014  The OSHA Chemical NEP How to Minimize Your Risk 
Tony Lundell