Our vision is to create a better world through the safe and sustainable use of natural refrigerants.


Our mission is to provide advocacy, education, and standards for the benefit of the global community in the safe and sustainable design, installation and operation of ammonia and other natural refrigerant systems.

Diversity and Inclusion

At the International Institute of All-Natural Refrigeration (IIAR), we are committed to promoting diversity and inclusion in the industrial refrigeration communities we serve. We believe that diversity in leadership, membership, and the communities we serve is essential to achieving our mission and vision. We strive to create a culture of inclusion where everyone feels welcome, valued, and respected, regardless of their age, race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, disability, or any other characteristic protected by law. We are committed to promoting diversity in all aspects of our organization and the industrial refrigeration communities we serve. 

Diversity and Inclusion Policy

  1. Leadership Diversity: We believe that diversity in leadership is essential to our organization's success. We are committed to promoting diversity in our leadership positions by actively seeking candidates from diverse backgrounds and ensuring that our selection process is fair, transparent, and free from bias. We strive to have a diverse group of individuals in leadership positions, including women, minorities, and individuals with disabilities. 
  2. Membership Diversity: We welcome members from all backgrounds and are committed to creating a diverse and inclusive community. We encourage individuals from diverse backgrounds to become members and actively seek to attract a broad range of members. We strive to create an environment where everyone feels welcome and included. 
  3. Training and Development: We believe that training and development are essential to promoting diversity and inclusion. We provide ongoing training and development opportunities to our staff to promote cultural competence, enhance our understanding of different perspectives, and improve our ability to work collaboratively. 
  4. Accountability: We hold ourselves accountable for upholding this policy and ensuring that our organization is inclusive, respectful, and free from discrimination. We regularly review and assess our progress and make changes as necessary to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in our organization. We encourage our members and staff to provide feedback and suggestions to help us improve and promote a culture of inclusion. 
  5. Communication: We communicate our commitment to diversity and inclusion through our website, social media, and other communication channels.  We believe that communication is essential to creating a diverse and inclusive community and industry. 

The Story of IIAR

  • In 1970, the ammonia refrigeration industry faced a big problem.  A proposed change to the National Electric Code (NEC) would have required the use of explosion - proof equipment in ammonia refrigeration engine rooms — a measure that would have proved ruinously expensive for the industry while doing little if anything to improve industry safety.
  • A group of industry representatives from about 35 companies met in Philadelphia to develop a strategy for defeating this code change.
  • Four leaders from the Ammonia Refrigeration Industry spearheaded the effort: George Briley, who was later to become IIAR’s first president, Bill Richards, Charles “Chuck” Hansen and Don Niederer. many of the people who were to become the future leaders of IIAR served on ASHRAE’s Refrigeration Committee.
  • These four individuals establish a Not For Profit Corporation in the State of Illinois.  The new organization was named The International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration. 
  • On June 7, 1971 Its Documents of Incorporation were signed .  They stated that the IIAR’s mission was to “promote education, information and standards for proper and safe use of ammonia as a refrigerant.” 
  • IIAR’s first headquarters as 401 S. Rohlwing Road, Addison, IL.  The signers of the Articles were Don Niederer, Bill Richards and Chuck Hansen.  The articles listed the members of the first Board of Directors as George Briley, Chuck Hansen, Don Niederer, Gilbert Powers and A.W. Ruff. 
  • By 1972, IIAR had 48 member companies.  Since then, IIAR membership has grown to over 3,000 members from over 30 countries.  IIAR solidified its position as the industry code setter by becoming an American National Standards Institute (ANSI)-accredited standards developer. 
  • The first IIAR standard (IIAR-2) was approved in 1974.
  • In 1994 IIAR published the PSM Guidelines creating a starting point for members to create PSM programs that enabled them to comply with new regulations quickly and effectively.