IIAR Natural Refrigeration Conference &  Expo

The first draft of your paper is due in mid-October.
The final PowerPoint presentation is due in January.
Presenters will receive email communications from IIAR with additional details.

The IIAR technical paper publishing schedule and process is as follows:

  • IIAR Staff receives technical paper proposals from potential Authors (March-May)
  • IIAR Conference Committee reviews, rates, and approves proposals (June-July)
  • IIAR Staff informs Authors of approval (June-July)
  • Authors provide abstract, summary of practical application, short bio(s), speaker photo(s) and signed author agreement(s) (June-July).
  • Authors write and submit first drafts (both text and final graphics/tables) to IIAR Staff (no later than mid-October)
  • IIAR Staff comments on scope and content of drafts (October-November)
  • Peer Reviewers read and approve/approve conditionally/disapprove drafts (October-November)
  • IIAR Staff compiles and sends peer review comments to Authors (October-November)
  • Authors submit second (or occasionally final) drafts to IIAR Staff (October-November)
  • IIAR Technical Staff confirms that Peer Reviewer comments have been addressed (November)
  • Review and revisions steps above may need to be repeated for some papers (November-December)
  • IIAR contracts with Professional Proofreader, Editor, and Layout Specialists (mid-November-January)
  • Layout Specialist formats papers into the IIAR conference format (December-January)  
  • Author approves final version of paper and delivers PowerPoint presentation to IIAR.  (January)
  • Conference! (March)