Technical Paper Editorial/Graphic Guidelines

Definitions and Terminology

Language used in IIAR Technical Papers shall conform to the definitions and terminology provided in the ANSI/IIAR-1 Standard "Definitions and Terminology Used in IIAR Standards"

Charts and Graphs

Drafts are to be formatted per the specifications below:

  • Drafts will be developed in Microsoft Word format, and must be submitted by e-mail to [email protected].
  • IIAR will prepare the paper in a common format for printing; therefore, it is important that you use the following format for the text and graphics in your drafts.
  • TEXT
    Use the following guidelines:
    • 8½ x 11 inch paper with a 1-inch (2.5 cm) margin on all sides.
    • Use a standard 12-point serif font (Times New Roman is preferred) with a minimum of elaborate formatting.
    • Text should be left justified.
    • Major section titles should appear in bold (12 point), and subsection titles in italics (12 point).
    • Leave two lines between paragraphs, and four lines between sections.
    • Do not indent or number paragraphs or section titles.
    • IIAR members from around the world will read your work, so you must use dual units, i.e. common English engineering units (inch-pound) and S.I. (common metric).
    • Send original photographs or high resolution scans (minimum 600 dpi) as individual .GIF, .TIF or .JPG files. For charts and graphs, original Excel files ARE preferred.
    • Provide a complete list of files with filenames, sent separately or at the end of the paper
    • Reference all graphic files within the text of the paper (where they belong) and highlight the reference. When the final layouts are arranged, it must be clear where graphics are to be inserted.
    • Powerpoint files and low resolution PDF files are unacceptable.
    • It is permitted and encouraged to embed your graphics into the document text. This is an excellent way to maintain the flow of your paper. However, this reduces the resolution of graphics. It is therefore necessary that each graphic should be provided separately in a high resolution format so that the layout specialist can maintain print quality (see above). Use larger fonts (12 pt or greater) and avoid using color or very thin lines, which do not print clearly print in black and white.
    • Use a file name that indicates the author's last name and the graphic identity (e.g., Jackmann.Figure.01.tif).
    • For drawings, CAD or otherwise, print out each individual drawing on a separate page with the appropriate captions, figure numbers, titles, etc. for each graphic/table.  Alternatively, you may submit an Autocad data file.

IIAR Publishing Process

The IIAR technical paper publishing process is as follows:

  • IIAR Staff receives technical paper proposals from potential authors
  • IIAR Conference Committee reviews, rates, and approves proposals (one to two weeks after close of Call for Papers)
  • IIAR staff informs authors of approval
  • IIAR staff and authors participate in an orientation teleconference
  • Authors write and submit 1st drafts (both text and final graphics/Tables) to IIAR Staff
  • IIAR peer reviewers read and approve/approve conditionally/disapprove drafts
  • IIAR staff comments on organization and layout of drafts
  • IIAR staff compiles and sends all comments to authors
  • Authors submit 2nd (or occasionally final) drafts to IIAR staff
  • IIAR technical staff confirms that Peer Reviewer comments have been addressed
  • Review and revisions steps above may need to be repeated for some papers
  • IIAR contracts with professional editor, layout, and printing specialists
  • Professional editor makes editorial changes to improve grammar and make language consistent across the complete set of papers
  • Layout specialist makes changes to unify papers visually
  • Author approves final version of paper and delivers PowerPoint presentation to IIAR
  • Printing specialist binds proceedings document
  • IIAR sends copies of proceedings to conference location for distribution to attendees